Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Year End Reflections

Hello Tiger Bloggers!

Today I'd like for you to think back on your year as a blogger. Reflect on all your accomplishments and let's set goals for this summer and next year! Copy and paste these questions to a new blog post on your own blog and answer them. Then, link your post back to this one!

1. How many posts did you write this school year? What do you think about that?

2. Thinking about your blog and blogging, what makes you most proud?

3. How often do you leave comments for other bloggers? Do you give out more comments than you receive? Talk about commenting.

4. What is one way you'd like to improve as a blogger next year?

5. What did you like best about Tiger Blogging Club?

6. What could your teacher do to make Tiger Blogging Club better next year?

7. List at least five ideas for blog posts you'd like to write over the summer.

8. What are your blogging goals for the summer?

9. What are your blogging goals for next year?

10. Anything else you want to tell Ms. Brezek?

Thank you for being a part of blogging club this year.... I can't wait to read your blog posts this summer!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

Hi everyone! Tiger Bloggers here, meeting to work on comments for our friends, The Fabulous Fifths! I am pretty sure they live in I right on that one?

Our school year is winding down and we have done such a great job blogging all year. To my Tiger Bloggers: are you planning on writing over the summer? Next week we are going to set some summer goals for writing, so I want you to be thinking about how many times you are hoping to post over the summer.

Have a great week! I hope you know that you are a group of my favorite kids! I love that we get to see each other each week and talk blogs and take pics and enjoy our time together!

See you next week!
Ms. Brezek

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hello Fabulous Fifths!

So it finally happened! Our Tiger Bloggers found another class of students who are also blogging. Teachers are in touch, and we are excited for our kids to make blogging buddies!

To Fabulous Fifths Students: We are so excited to get to collaborate with you via our blogs! I'd like to introduce myself - I'm Ms. Brezek, the coach of our Tiger Blogging Club. The picture below is some of our bloggers:

I (Ms. Brezek) write most of the posts on this blog. I also have my own personal blog over at BigTime Literacy. There I write for teachers and some other random posts about myself!

You can find the student blogs over to the left hand side of this post! Your teacher put our site on your blog roll, so please visit us often!

Your teacher and I are excited to work together and have you all learn more about one another! More to come! :-)

Ms. Brezek

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Family Writing Project 2015

Today was such a great day! We had our first Family Writing Project after school. Second grade families were invited to participate in a Writer's Workshop and we had such a great time! Meet our families:

We started with snacks (thank you, PTA!)

And then heard a Read Aloud:

And then we were ready to draw and write!

At the end of our time together, we shared our stories...

Such great stories of family traditions, family gatherings, and all things family!

We will be meeting for the next five Wednesdays, so stay tuned for more details! I hope everyone had as much a fun as I did!

Until next time!
Ms. Brezek

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Tiger Tips for Parents!

Good afternoon! Hope this blog posts finds you doing well!

Are you like everyone else who uses text messaging as an easy way to communicate with your loved ones? Well, beginning next week, we will be sending out parent tips (we're calling them "Tiger Tips for Parents") via text message to share information about school-related topics with families. There will be various accounts for the messages, and all are facilitated through a website called Remind.

Remind is a great way to stay in touch because then teachers can text parents without sharing personal cell phone numbers. Mrs. Jantz and Ms. Brezek will be sending out texts once a week on a variety of topics all under the umbrella of supporting your child at school. Tips might be about helping your child with homework, information on assessments we use to check your child's progress at school, or their general well-being. All messages have to be 140 characters or less, so sometimes, we might send a web link as well for parents to look at.

Tiger Tips for Parents are going to be set up by grade level and language. Some messages will be different depending on the grade level,  and other messages might apply across a grade span or all grades, so we might send the same to a few grade levels. There will also be an account where Spanish-speaking parents can sign up to receive the text messages in Spanish. The groups are as follows:

  • Kindergarten Parents
  • 1st Grade Parents
  • 2nd Grade Parents
  • 3rd Grade Parents
  • 4th Grade Parents
  • 5th Grade Parents
  • Spanish-Speaking Parents

To sign up for these messages, find the image below that matches the group you'd like to join and follow the directions. (You can join more than one group!) After you send the initial text message, you'll be prompted to reply with the parent name. Please include the parent name AND YOUR CHILD'S NAME (see pink bubble below!) so we're aware of which students at each grade level have their parents receiving the messages.

If you have any questions, please email Ms. Brezek at to get more information about signing up!

And now on to the directions....

Kinder Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

1st Grade Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

Second Grade Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

Third Grade Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

Fourth Grade Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

Fifth Grade Parents: Remember to send the parent name and student name when you reply to the text that asks you who is joining!

We are looking forward to getting Tiger Tips for Parents going!

Ms. Brezek & Mrs. Jantz