To submit a blog post to our collaborative blog, please type up what you'd like to share (in an email or in a Word doc) and then send it, along with pictures, to Ms. Brezek - More details about the kinds of posts we'd like are described below! We're looking forward to hearing from you!
Glad you stopped by! Are you thinking of submitting a post to our community blog? We hope so! Here are the details for doing so!
We are looking for any of the following types of posts:
- Literacy Events - Were you reading books in the car on your road trip to Tennessee? Did you go see a movie of a great book you read (or watch one at home?) Did you go shopping to pick out a dialog notebook with your child and then decorate them? Did you go to the museum to learn about dinosaurs after reading all about them? Please tell us about your experiences! Snap some pictures when you're in progress of the activity and then do a quick write up to share your experiences! Be sure to attach and send a few pictures to us as well!
- Book Reviews - We'd love if you could send in book reviews! Book reviews can be done by your child or you could author it with your child, if they are of a more primary age. If you would like to review a children's book, please write that up to include a brief plot summary (no spoilers!) and a rating. (We'll use the rating system off to the left in the sidebar!) At the top of your post, please put a title of the book and then your and/or your child's name so everyone will know who authored the review. We'll find a picture of the book cover, but if you want to include a picture of your child (and you!) reading the book, please send that picture as well!
- Book Reviews for Adults - As a community of readers, we'd also like to post great books for adult reads. If you read something great, please send us a review, and we'll be happy to post that, too! Always a good idea to model the beliefs we hope to pass on to our children!
- Stories - Did your child write stories this summer? Please send them in! Nothing better than an authentic audience to showcase them to! Be sure to include a picture of your author in the process of writing and any artwork that should accompany the writing.
- Ideas for our Blog - If you would like to write up a "How-To" for the blog so other families can try your activity, please do so! Also, if you have any other ideas for blog posts, just shoot us an email and we'll be happy to add it to the list!
This is just a starting place for ideas for blog posts! We'll be sure to keep this list going as more ideas start to pour in.
Some Must-Haves for submitting your blog post:
- Title and Author - At the top of your blog post, please include a title and the name(s) of the author(s). We will publish the post on your behalf, but we want to make sure that the authors are recognized!
- Length - It's always a good idea to keep posts closer to the short side. As someone who follows lots of blogs, I sometimes skip over ones that are too long.
- Pictures - Pictures are so important! Please send pictures of your family in action. Additionally, if you see any graphics online that would enhance your post, you can send us those, too! Pictures make the post more enjoyable!
- Going Public - Your blog post will be public for all to see, so make sure to use your very best conventions (spelling, captials, grammar...etc). If we notice any little typos, we'll be sure to fix them, and if you notice anything we missed after it's posted, just send an email and we'll be happy to correct it.
Some final notes about reading our blog...
- Comments are so greatly appreciated and encourage the writers to put out more posts! Please be extra generous with comments, especially to students who were extra courageous and submitted a post! It's usually a great idea to end your post with a question - that gets the conversation going!
- This is a work in progress and we welcome any feedback - positive or constructive feedback for improvement!
Anxiously awaiting your posts....
Ms. Brezek
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